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Available Online

Cocoon clinics

Knitting a cocoon? Need a little assistance?

45 min
10 US dollars

Service Description

Brooknit Bonneterie is here to help you through the stitches that will create a cocoon! This weekly session is dedicated to "cocoon" assistance! Whether you're not sure you're doing it right, or you don't quite understand something, any question, at any stage of the knitting, related to the cocoon is welcome! The sessions are online, via video, so you can show us what is going on, we can demo it for you, or walk you through the steps for you to do. To ensure we can answer everyone's questions, we limit the sessions to 12 participants and ask you to reserve a spot. The link to join will be sent by email at the time of registration.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation and refund: Life gets in the way, and plans change! We get it! Flexibility is much needed. You can cancel and get a refund until 24 hours before the event. You can re-book to the next event until 1 hour before the event if you inform us. However, no-shows and after-the-event cancellations will not be refunded. Just let us know if you cannot make it! Thanks for your understanding.

Contact Details


195 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

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